Job security, pensions and health benefits are just a few of the reasons that workers join unions. Our members enjoy these benefits because we have fought for them at the bargaining table in every contract negotiation.

That’s why Teamsters are much more likely to have health and pension benefits than unorganized workers.

We must never take our benefits for granted. Health benefits and pensions are part of a contract that includes wages, sick and holiday pay, working conditions, hours and a host of other benefits. Each contract item has an economic cost - and as the price of healthcare rises and as financial markets lower the values of pension investments - we are increasingly under pressure from employers to reduce and eliminate benefits. Protecting member benefits is a top priority in negotiations and in the way that we carefully manage members’ benefit funds.

Local 812 Retirement Fund

Local 812 Healthcare Fund

Local 812 Annuity Fund

Teamster Links

View Web links to the organizations that our local works with to ensure the best representation for our members as well as improving the communities in which we live.